Sunday, September 6, 2009

What a strange morning

Yesterday we had a hugh rain fall. Rained most of the day. It was beautiful. First real rainfall we have had this summer. The temperature fell. This morning I wake up and we are in a cloud. Beautiful. I can tell the whole valley is just one big fluffy cloud. When I first looked out my kitchen window you could just see some lights on the other side of the highway, but one minute later they were gone and you couldn't see past the houses across the street. That;s all there is me and the houses across the street, no end of street, no mountains. It is so beautifully cool. Oh please let this be the start of fall. I can't take one more day of summer here. The weather calls for temps up to 95 today but I sure hope that is wrong. We are heading into paradise time here in Central Northern Arizona, days in the 70's and cool cool nights. I can't wait.

Now on to why you see the photo of the adorable doggie.

Welcome Sadie, the newest member of the family.

Long story but as usual it is about abuse, bad living conditions, too many litters of puppies and now she lives with the cats and me.

Said I would never get another doggie after my Jake passed but things happen. She is a Heeler, red, about 4 and a half years old and just oh so smart as heelers are. The cats chased her around the yard when she first got here, just to show her who was in charge, of course. She is abuse submissive so she is easily cowed. They have now told her she can stay now that she knows her place. Cats, what can you do, its who they are.

Sadie now has a wonderful long walk every morning instead of being locked in a dirt yard, we play throw the ball, she loves it. Has her stuffed toys which she just loves to toss every where. Heelers need to be doing things all the time, so I try to keep her as busy as possible. Good for this old broad too. You would think she has known me for a life time. Only two years, as she lived next door. She listens so well. There is never a problem with her coming when I call, she sticks to me like glue. Jake's idea of paying attention was, " well maybe", but then again Jake was Jake and had his own ideas about life and how it should be run. He was the king of the house. Sadie will never be Queen. She is a lover though and I hope she will be with us for a long time to come.

I have posted a album of the rest of the photos of her.

Everyone have a great Sunday and Labor Day, No laboring I hope. I will most definitely not be massaging any ones body.



  1. Welcome Sadie. Isn't it the truth....sometimes a rescue is right under our nose. This is a wonderful lifetime companion. Good luck to both of you. About the weather....just a few more hot muggy days here and I'm going to lose my mind. I don't think things will ever dry out. I feel kind of slickery all the time as well. Fall please come .. soon. Have a great weekend.....all of you. Cheers.

  2. I am SO glad that you took Sadie...I just checked out the photos...she looks VERY happy there. NO dog animal should ever have to endure abuse. OK!...I see your new photo the note I read, the photo looked the same....had you not changed it right away? Nice picture!

  3. HELLO, SADIE! she's just beautiful. the Mother always provides us just what we need, and i'm glad you knew she needed to be part of your family. i'm pretty tired of summer weather, too. i'll be by later to look at the pics. supposedly, we are having company in a bit. HUGS

  4. One of my old ladies has a heeler and is so cute but also IMO too young and frisky for the old lady. I'm scared every time I go round in case the dag has knocked her over. It barks non stop but is so playful. I can't be cross when I'm trying to work and all she wants to do is play. They are company for one an other tho.

  5. Aww..I knew you would get another dog! Life just isn't complete without at least one! She is beautiful,and such a lovely smile! Maybe you should get her a few geese to herd!

  6. Fall is here, cool for awhile. I love Sadie. She's a very lucky gal! Have Fun!

  7. sadie is one of the lucky ones...she has YOU and sound....fed and entertained....loved by YOU...spoiled by you. mommy susan

  8. I am so happy with her myself. What a great doggie she is. She just loves her walks and I am catching up on all my exercising that I have missed since Jake couldn't go on walks any more. Life is good. My horoscope the other day said I was in the right spot with my life and should keep it that way. I like that.

  9. Glad I dropped by here too, Susan - a big welcome to Sadie - she's beautiful - I like her face - she looks like a real gentle sweetheart.

    Also, as Vickie said, she's the lucky one to have joined your family ^^

    Also - Red Heeler? I thought Blue Heelers were an Australian breed - interesting.

    Sorry to hear about your computer crash - you know I like FB at the moment - I do notice, when I play around with the applications, it works better if I keep emptying the cache ...

  10. Glad I dropped by here too, Susan - a big welcome to Sadie - she's beautiful - I like her face - she looks like a real gentle sweetheart.

    Also, as Vickie said, she's the lucky one to have joined your family ^^

    Also - Red Heeler? I thought Blue Heelers were an Australian breed - interesting.

    Sorry to hear about your computer crash - you know I like FB at the moment - I do notice, when I play around with the applications, it works better if I keep emptying the cache ...
