Sunday, July 18, 2010


Well good Sunday morning to you all.

Been catching up on some blogs. I just love cruising the inbox. Looks like most of you are having a good day.

I am off to see Inception. Got 5 stars from my local movie guy. so I am expecting some serious action. I love Leonardo DeCaprio any way so it won't be a total lose no matter what happens

Saw Sorcerer's Apprentice on Friday, cute but nothing to write home about. Another of those I love the star things and fun gimmicks.

I think it will be better to spend this day, which is suppose to be another 100 + with humidity up to at least 70%, inside a nice airconditioned theatre than in my swamp cooled home. Evaprative coolers don't work to well with humidity. Gots to get me a window a/c unit for times like this. I am getting way to old for this crap.

Hey have a good day all you guys and gals and see you on the turn around

Susan and all the fur kids


  1. So, stay cool indoors watching the movie.
    Sorry, friends just dropped by.
    I can understand being fed-up with temps in the 100s! Have a nice Sunday.

  2. sounds like you've got a fund afternoon planned. i want to see The Last Airbender.

    it's hotter than the blazes over here today.

    enjoy the movie.

  3. hi susan...We haven't really had any rain sine April 22 humidity IS up and we are waiting for a storm....bring em on......It must get a little miserable for ya with evaps......ugh.......

  4. At least we have been having rain. Hoping more will come today. My evap is most certainly not working today.

  5. LOL Susan telling it as it is.
    Hope the theatre was cool and the movie inviting.
    Great to hear from you as always Susan.

  6. Susan:
    Hope you enjoyed your movie outing? AC is a necessity here especially during the past few weeks with temps nearing 100 and 90+ humidity. I know we didn't have ac when I was a kid but now I can't live without it. Yes..age is making me soft! lol

  7. Yes! Yes!!! Get an AC!!! I don't know what I'd do without my air....well...I take that back...last week when we lost our power for 12 hours I DID do without my air...and it was horrid!

  8. You will have to share what you think on this one.

  9. Yes AC is the way of the future. LOL Come on now, them swamp things date us.

  10. In Arizona they are the way of always. They work great when it's dry but during the monsoon, not so good. I rent and that is all this place comes with. I am off to home despot this weekend to see what I can do about a window a/c unit.
