Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Day

Ok so I am an idiot. Earth Day falls on April 22nd, that is a Wednesday, not today.  Looks like there will be celebrations the weekend before and after and that whole week. Lets hear it for Mother Earth..

Happy Spring again.


Friday, March 27, 2009


Well didn't I just have the most FAB...U...LOUS  time last night.

For the first time since I moved to Arizona I went to a real life rock and roll concert. Before I continue I must point out that when I lived back in NYC and was in the music business that is all I ever did, go to concerts. I was either working them or going for free, back stage all access passes the whole deal.

Anyway once I moved out here that all stopped, until last night. I went and saw Elton John and Billy Joel, Face 2 Face ( that is the name of the show). Seems they have been doing these shows for about as long as I have been out here and I never heard of them. This will probably be their last tour, so I really lucked out. I have seen both of them separately over time but this was just too much. They both had their own bands with them, which was really cool. They started off the show with two grand piano's face to face and did some duets of their popular stuff ( what isn't) then Elton took the stage for practically the whole show ( not really but it seemed like it). The man can not be beat. He and the band were rockin'. Didn't think someone his age could still carry on like that, but then again I was dancin' all over the place too and I am the same age, so......He was magnificent on the keyboards, what a musician he is. So he was great, but then came Billy. He is the man. Not only is he the greatest song writer ever but he is funny too. I had forgotten his ad libs in between songs. Such a typical New Yorker, made me feel really home sick. The whole audience spent most of his part of the show on their feet going wild. At the end Billy and Elton come back on stage, did a bunch more great stuff together, even two Beatle songs, Happy Birthday and USSR, real rockers. Well then Elton does Norma Jean, well what can I say, it's one of his best. The best was yet to come as Billy then ends the show with Piano Man. It was unreal, the whole audience was singing along and for two choruses, neither he nor Elton sang, the whole arena sang the chorus to him. It was just too much. He is the man the Piano Man. Must make him feel really good when so many generations of people can sing your songs to you.

Well I guess that is it. That was the best time I have had since before my precious Jake Dog got sick and everyone started dying last year. Lets hear it for Elton John, Billy Joel and Rock and Roll.

Have a great weekend and don't forget that we are celebrating our Mother Earth tomorrow with Earth Day and make sure to turn out all your lights for an hour tomorrow night. Not sure what time it is in your area. Guess I have to check out what it is here also, but we will make the place go black and save some energy. Remember out great Mother Earth is the only one we have so be nice to Her.


Saturday, March 21, 2009


And now a little sadness. I have changed my background photo for spring and for the most important reason the passing of the most precious of rabbits,  Pookah.

Pookah was the constant companion of two friends in Australia. Always the perky rabbit, the kisser, the hugger, he is now passed and is with his friend Squeaky and all my furry friends on the other side of the rainbow bridge waiting for the two legged ones to show up.

Lea, Steve I know how much you loved him and I am so sorry that he is gone.



One day late but not too bad

Happy Spring Everyone.

I hope it is at least a little spring (or fall) like where ever you may be. Cherry blossoms in D.C., leaves falling in Australia and New Zealand. Crocuses blooming in New Hampshire. Here in the good old middle of Arizona we are waiting for the final bout with winter, if you can call it that. We will probably go down to freezing in the night but ya know it will be in the 50's during the day. It really has been fabulous here this past month, as March usually is here. High 70's most every day. Got into the 80's the other day and that was a bit much. Summer is just around the corner and I don't want to even think about that. You may wonder why it is that I am always on about the weather. In a state where it can go from the 90's in Phoenix and be snowing in Flagstaff at the same time, it is an interesting subject and not even the weather guys get the forecasts right. When I moved here a new friend told me that anyone who tries to predict the weather in AZ is just crazy. I have since found this out to be true.

The spring and autumn equinox are just my favorite times of the year. I love change. Spring, resurrection, autumn, dying. The natural cycles of life.

I hope you are all enjoying your natural cycles. Have a great weekend.


Monday, March 9, 2009

The New Kitty

Meet Frankie, the latest member of the Van Dorn family.

He is about 3-5 years old according to my wonderful vet and very healtly.

He was introduced to us through a client of mine. His person, who was very sick and dying, left him behind at his old house when he (the person) had to return to his family, with promises from the neighbors that Frankie would be fed. He had been hanging around his old home for about a month. Living on and under the porch, waiting for his person to come home. Poor thing. My client's company rents out the home where he lives. They had a new tenent moving in and the woman did not want the cat and my client did not want the cat and the dreaded P word was brought up. (Pound). So who does she call. Me of course. Poor cat, don't know what to do, yada yada. Can you take him Susan, maybe find him a home. Well you know how far that got. I was over there, here kitty, he jumped right in the car. Very friendly guy. I tried to find out his history from the vets in town, but no luck. So after 2 weeks he became Frankie, or Frank, or Franklin or the Frank Man, I could go on. He is the best and the rest of the clan has taken to him fairly well. They are use to this. They are just happy it's not a dog.

The best part is I have never lived with a ginger cat before, so cool.


Monday, March 2, 2009

New Day

I am so over snow and red. Time for a new day and a new look.

March 20th spring is here no matter what is on the ground and I am going for it in a big way.

Life begins again. Trees bud, flowers bloom, death flows into life as it should always be. Let us praise the never ending circle.

Ok I feel better now.

