Friday, March 2, 2007

Entry for March 02, 2007/ Friday Five

On Y!360....

1) How long have you been on 360? One year and a few months

2) How many friends do you normally have on your friend's list? Right now I have 40 something and that is the most I have ever had. I try to keep my friends to a manageable number because I like to visit everyone and more than that and I have no life.

3) Do you blog daily, once or twice weekly, weekly, infrequently, not at all? I try to visit everyone at least once or twice a week and I ususally write something at least three times a week if not more. Depends on my moods.

4) Are you a theme blogger? one who plans their blogs in advance? or more a seat of your pants blogger (i.e. whatever comes to mind goes on the blog)? I do plan theme blogs for special occasions, just did one for National Spay Day, and i always do lead ins over a few weeks for things like that. I also plan out my Art Sunday presentations. Sometime they are work, also Poetry Wednesday. Every thing else is " oh I want to say this right now".

5) What one thing would you add to or change about Yahoo 360? I guess it is basiclly Ok. I have never blogged any where else so I have nothing to compare to. I would like them to get rid of that silly window that keeps popping up telling you if you want to leave the blog your writing it will disappear. I want the refresh button back where if you screwed something up you could get your whole blog back. That's about it.

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