Friday, March 9, 2007

Entry for March 09, 2007/WHY

I know every one is probably so mad at me for my comments regarding Internation Women's Day yesterday. I want you all to understand I am not putting down how far we have come or how women need to see what is going on out there but the women that we should be caring about are not the one's like us who know and understand, but the ones who are still being beaten, mutilated, murdered, put away, sold into prostitution, all because of the fear of men (sorry guys) . I mean that men are still afraid of the power that we hold over them and they fear this, If all women figure this out, where do the men stand? It really isn't a man's world , women just haven't figured that out yet. So lets forget this one day business and every day we must remember who we are, strong and powerful.

Also I should give a nod to all who did point out that in reality we are all HUMAN BEINGS and we should be celebrating that. I am all for this. When will we have a HUMAN BEINGS DAY, or maybe a BEINGS DAY. One day to just celebrate LIFE.

So that's me again today.


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