Saturday, February 7, 2015

Just to let everyone, well who ever visits, that my Sadie came through the surgery just fine. She still is a bit groggy today but she is taking pain pills and antibiotics which I am sure are making her a bit woozy. Now we just wait to see what the pathologist has to say about what is really wrong with her.


  1. good news Susan-give her a hug from me and Miss Calico

  2. poor dear - i am still praying for her.

  3. I hope poor Sadie is ok, she really reminds me of my daughters dog Cody. I know how it feels, we lost Cody a couple of years ago to heart disease but what a fantastic dog he was while we had him. Sure you will share many more happy memories with your Sadie :-)

  4. thanks Loretta. Still haven't heard back from the patholigist yet. I keep thinking there is nothing wrong. don't like this waiting. She seems just fine. Her surgery is healing up fine.
