Friday, February 27, 2015

My Wacky Cats

Here's my nutty cats sitting in the spring basket. Rose is the tabby and Spike is the Siamese.
What a hoot they are.


  1. I have two wacky kitties as well. They are often so comical! And great. :)

    1. Oh Barbara I wish it was just two. They just happen to be the ones that like to sit in things. I have six cats and two dogs.

    2. Lol, like potato chips! Lucky you. :)

  2. cats are so fun to have around-except lately Miss Calico is waking us up around 1 am I had started a couple months ago giving her a little sheba canned treat which she loves-I make the little cans last 5 days so she mostly eats her dry food--but I told her she has to wait til 6 am and I stick to that--but some night she will pester for an hour or too--spoiled house kitty alread lol

    1. She is a spoiled kitty but hey all kitties should be.

    2. LOL, KrystEl scratches on the door to the GG's room, promptly at 0300 every morning. the H is sleeping in there these days, due to his OT work schedule. if the cat can manage to get into that room, he will pat the H's head until he gets out of bed. interesting, he's never ever once tried anything like that with me. i think we'll have to close the door to the den, so he and Cosmo can sleep in here without waking us up.

  3. lol... they are so funny sometimes :-)

  4. Love the kitties! We have 3 that are a constant amusement ♥
