Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Feral Cat Day

Multiply wouldn't let me print the page I wanted because it was in Java script.

I will have to tell you on my own about the wonderful orgaization , Alley Cat Allies ,that helps feral kitties. Then I will give you their web site link and I hope you will visit.

These people are all about spay neuter and release. Also about finding these poor babes good homes and of course getting volunteers to get out there and round up those homeless feral kitties. So if you can help in any was it would be a good thing.

thanks for listening



  1. It's a great group! I wish there was a chapter around here,but there isn't,so I just do it myself! I am feeding 3 new strays - ugh,just what I need!

  2. Thank you for the website. As I'm far away, I clic each day on Tammy's page
    to help the shelter, do what I can for the humane society in France, and for cats in my area ;-D even tell the story wit my cartoons

    LOL in fact, better select the cartoon tag on my page, almost all of my cartoons have cat(s) in them, I wasn't aware of this ;-D
    For those who just want to know the end of the story of Carrot-cat

    I also love that :
    *Feral cats have a home – outdoors! And although they appreciate a can of cat food, they don’t want to snuggle with you on your couch.*

  3. Good for you pitching in and helping. Will visit you soon and check out your cartoons,
