Thursday, October 8, 2009

What Next Christmas in June

I have seen it all now.

What is today the 8th of October?

I was just in my local grocery store and they are already putting up christmas decorations and stuffed animals to sell. Usually they would wait till the day after Halloween. Gone are the days they waited till the day after Thanksgiving. I am shocked. All you religious types out there don't have to worry about people taking christ out of christmas, he is long gone. Now it is money grubbing scum capitalist retailers Mas. I tell you it is bad out there

Now as an avowed Naturalist I can celebrate the Winter Solstice and traditional christmas with out ever having to worry about running into anyone named Jesus. That poor boy is out of here.

Just my thoughts, don't every one get all wacko on me, please.



  1. it really is a bit disheartening, is it? of course, i know that some folks like to ship holiday things to loved ones in far-off places, so i can *kind of* get why there are a few candies and small decorations out. but it really has gotten quite over the top now........we haven't even hollered 'trick or treat!' yet.

  2. it seems like itz all about the money $$$$$$$ letz get started early. Itz not about the holiday at all anymore. Lets see how much more decorations we can sell this year than last....1/4 of the year will now be filled with Christmas stuff. lol

  3. Noticed the same thing yesterday. Halloween stuff right next to christmas stuff. Whoa....I thought....I should get out more....something fishy is going on.

  4. definately about the money. The first Xmas carol I heard played on the radio last month and don't tell me it wasn't just because Cliff Richards was singing it! Decorations are on the shelves here and cards too and one of my sisters has finished her Xmas shopping!

  5. I guess the retailers figure that since the economy is so bad, and their bussines sucks, they will just try sooner than later to drag your money out of you. Even if you don't have any. Well Merry Christmas to all and Happy Halloween, any other way to get money out of you, when is Valintines day?
