Saturday, July 18, 2009


Had a minor coronary last night and ran out and bought a pack of cigarettes and smoked about 10 of them. This morning I woke up and immediatley went out a threw the rest of them in the trash. Back to normal today. Will fill my time with cleaning the place and being by the pool.

Man was it hot yesterday 111, where I live, might have to wait till sunset to even go out and get in the pool.

I do plan on spending some time with a friend and doing some shopping. That will make me smile and not think of cigarettes. I know this will be a slow and tedious process but in the end there will be no more smoking.

Have a good Saturday.



  1. Good luck. I've been having a heck of a time trying to quit.

  2. GOOD GIRL KEEP GETTING BACK ON THE HORSE NEVER GIVE UP-I will send you some rain okay

  3. heidi is right, never give up! good for you, finding the strength to throw out the rest! ; D

  4. Maybe thin carrot strips would could keep one in your would be more healthy! (LOL...I know quitting is hard...that's why I never started in the first place...I can't even imagine what you're going through right's so hard to say "NO" to your body when it's craves something.)

  5. There will be set backs but with that goal in sight you will succeed.

  6. Brushing your teeth more often & eating apples, celery, mint....all the best in your fight. you can do it!

  7. remember, everytime you have a set back, it takes twice as long to quit. This is what I kept telling myself to get me thru it. Don't cha luv all this advise? NOT! Set backs are not a bad happens to most.

  8. Yes brushing of the teeth I did that too:)
