Friday, July 17, 2009

two things, well it is Friday and the beginning of my forth day without cigarettes. I didn't even use my nicotine thing yesterday. Still exercising. Cool Also found out you can copy things you blog to Facebook. I did this but haven't been over to see how it took. Multiply has a page and a app on Facebook. Very cool


  1. AWESOME! thanks for your update, i'll keep sending you good mojo. and i WILL make plans to come visit you next year. HUGS!

  2. Very cool. I will not be back this year. Business is not so good.

  3. Yeah me too, this is no fun for me and for my poor clients who are losing their jobs or have no business. This economy is really starting to hit rock bottom

  4. the whole situation really, really sux. : * (

  5. how much weight have you gained in four days? hee hee? One step at a time. We might as make light of the side affects.....i see you were talking about the economy down below. Furniture (I sell it) is down money! we just gotta hang in there. Some of us still have jobs..... !!!

  6. Just weighed this morning. One pound.
